So, what have we been up to during my blogging absence? We have been busy with soccer, school, laundry, camp-outs, appointments, SOCCER, homework, visiting family, LAUNDRY, having fun, cleaning, being SICK, oh.....and more soccer and laundry! :) In other words, Living Life!
Gavin has been sick for the last 2 weeks. He appeared to be better last week and then a day later, it came back even worse. He has been so junky, mainly in his airway and he sounds like a bullhorn when he breathes. He is coughing lots and gagging and spitting up a ton! He was generous and gave it to me, but thankfully I got over it fast. I felt so tired and grumpy when I had the illness, but you would never know that Gavin was sick if he didn't sound like he does! He is still such a happy boy and so good natured! Have I mentioned how happy this boy makes me and what a lesson he is to all of us?
Here are some pictures of Gavin lastnight.....sick and all!
Yep, he's a trooper!
Since he hasn't had a fever and his O2 sats are staying good, I haven't taken him to the doctor, but he hasn't gone to school for 2 weeks. He has an appointment on Thursday, so maybe we'll have to start an antibiotic, if he isn't better by then?
We haven't stopped living life just because he's sick though.....and I'm thankful that we haven't had to. It's been a year and a half since Gavin has had to be in the hospital and this is really quite amazing! For a boy with so many health issues, he is doing remarkably well! I am so thankful for this! With a child like Gavin, you never know when life will have to stop for a while, so until then, we plan on living life to it's fullest, each and every day!..........I just wish laundry wasn't such a big part of that life! :) I'm off to do some more of it, and also to give my sweet boy another breathing treatment..........with a SMILE on my face, because we are able to be at home, and not in the hospital! :) Life really is good! And, so is God!

"A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." Proverbs 17:22
Being home when sick IS a blessing, you are right! I'm so glad you're able to manage his illness at home. Praying for Gavin this morning.
He is SUCH a handsome young man as always! I love his shirt, it reminds me of Charlie Brown. :) I hope he feels better, and I'm glad that you have avoid the hospital.
I always feel like I should blog every day. Then I realize I don't have anything to say sometimes! LOL
A year and a half, wow, way to go Gavin!!
We were just talking about Jax being sick, my friend that watched him was wondering why he's not getting better. I told her that she has to remember that his little body is just so sick and tired. So sad, but he's such a fighter still!!
What were we thinking when we thought we could keep up the 31 days?Crazy.
Life is so busy and i wish I knew of a good trick to slow it down,instead we pause when we can can still find peace amongst the hecticness if we look hard enough.
Praying Gavin kicks this soon.Oh how how much easier it is on mommies, when they are still smiling,even when they feel crummy!
Way to go, Gavin! Praying for many, many more years and half before another hospitalization!!
Sorry you've been sick Gavin (and Alicia)! Hope you're better soon. Stay out of that hospital!
He so darn cute! I'm so happy he's staying out of the hospital!
But he's the CUTEST sick boy I've ever seen. :)
I love your attitude! It sounds like Gavin has had a nice long stretch since a hospital stay. I hope that continues for him throughout the respiratory season.
He sure is adorable even when he is sick! His smile never fails to make me smile, and even when he's sick he still shares it!
I totally bombed the 31 for 21. You are busy. and laundry it will never end. What a precious little Gavin.
Bless your precious heart! Such a wonderful reminder of how we should live life every day. I thought of you all just last night. Glad to hear Gavin is staying out of the hospital. Hope he gets well soon. Love and blessings!
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