Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 2! The doctors we talked to today have all expressed how great the surgery went. One of them said, "We expected the worst and got the best..." Gavin hasn’t even had the swelling problem they anticipated, and so far has met and exceeded all expectations the doctors had for him.

Tomorrow, they are going to start weaning Gavin off the sedation medication (which he is on because he moves around too much!), which will allow them to eventually take him off the ventilator. The nurses say his success so far is due to the fact that he's feisty and "has red hair," but we think it's because he's just like his big brothers, who you all know have plenty of energy and fight, themselves!

There is no other way to put it: we have received the ultimate answer to all of our prayers. We are hopeful and positive in thinking his recovery will continue in this way. Once again, we cannot properly express our gratitude for all of your support, comments, and prayers. They mean so much to us! THANK YOU.


Alicia and family

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