Friday, February 9, 2007

Another boring day! Yea! No more excitement so far! I am planning on heading home Saturday afternoon, so I'm sure that I'll find plenty of excitement there! Three crazy boys brings about quite the excitement! I'm looking forward to it though!

Gavin is having a good day. He's behaving himself and resting comfortably. Yesterday evening he was kind of fussy and that was hard to watch, since I couldn't pick him up to comfort him!:( His nurse, Missy, put him in a bouncy seat and he decided that he liked that! He looked so cute sitting up in it! I'm sure it felt wonderful getting off his back! He did have an episode of low blood pressure during the night and was given additional fluids and put back on Dopamine, a blood pressure medicine. He recovered from it fine and has been doing well since. The plan is to still have the surgery next Friday. We pray this one will get him home soon!

I hope you are having a wonderful day! I'm rejoicing in my "boring" day! God is good! Love and miss you! Gavin sends his too!

Love, Alicia

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